Source code for snap7.util

This module contains utility functions for working with PLC DB objects.
There are functions to work with the raw bytearray data snap7 functions return
In order to work with this data you need to make python able to work with the
PLC bytearray data.

For example code see and in the example folder.


    spec/DB layout

    # Byte index    Variable name  Datatype
    4	          ID             INT
    6             NAME	         STRING[6]

    12.0          testbool1      BOOL
    12.1          testbool2      BOOL
    12.2          testbool3      BOOL
    12.3          testbool4      BOOL
    12.4          testbool5      BOOL
    12.5          testbool6      BOOL
    12.6          testbool7      BOOL
    12.7          testbool8      BOOL
    13            testReal       REAL
    17            testDword      DWORD

    client = snap7.client.Client()
    client.connect('', 0, 3)

    # this looks confusing but this means uploading from the PLC to YOU
    # so downloading in the PC world :)

    all_data = client.upload(db_number)


    db1 = snap7.util.DB(
        db_number,              # the db we use
        all_data,               # bytearray from the plc
        layout,                 # layout specification DB variable data
                                # A DB specification is the specification of a
                                # DB object in the PLC you can find it using
                                # the dataview option on a DB object in PCS7

        17+2,                   # size of the specification 17 is start
                                # of last value
                                # which is a DWORD which is 2 bytes,

        1,                      # number of row's / specifications

        id_field='ID',          # field we can use to identify a row.
                                # default index is used
        layout_offset=4,        # sometimes specification does not start a 0
                                # like in our example
        db_offset=0             # At which point in 'all_data' should we start
                                # reading. if could be that the specification
                                # does not start at 0

    Now we can use db1 in python as a dict. if 'ID' contains
    the 'test' we can identify the 'test' row in the all_data bytearray

    To test of you layout matches the data from the plc you can
    just print db1[0] or db['test'] in the example

    db1['test']['testbool1'] = 0

    If we do not specify a id_field this should work to read out the
    same data.


    to read and write a single Row from the plc. takes like 5ms!



    # try with the standard library
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    # fallback to Python 2.6-2.4 back-port
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

import struct
import logging
from snap7 import six
import re

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_bool(_bytearray, byte_index, bool_index): """ Get the boolean value from location in bytearray """ index_value = 1 << bool_index byte_value = _bytearray[byte_index] current_value = byte_value & index_value return current_value == index_value
[docs]def set_bool(_bytearray, byte_index, bool_index, value): """ Set boolean value on location in bytearray """ assert value in [0, 1, True, False] current_value = get_bool(_bytearray, byte_index, bool_index) index_value = 1 << bool_index # check if bool already has correct value if current_value == value: return if value: # make sure index_v is IN current byte _bytearray[byte_index] += index_value else: # make sure index_v is NOT in current byte _bytearray[byte_index] -= index_value
[docs]def set_int(_bytearray, byte_index, _int): """ Set value in bytearray to int """ # make sure were dealing with an int _int = int(_int) _bytes = struct.unpack('2B', struct.pack('>h', _int)) _bytearray[byte_index:2] = _bytes
[docs]def get_int(_bytearray, byte_index): """ Get int value from bytearray. int are represented in two bytes """ data = _bytearray[byte_index:2] value = struct.unpack('>h', struct.pack('2B', *data))[0] return value
[docs]def set_real(_bytearray, byte_index, real): """ Set Real value make 4 byte data from real """ real = float(real) real = struct.pack('>f', real) _bytes = struct.unpack('4B', real) for i, b in enumerate(_bytes): _bytearray[byte_index + i] = b
[docs]def get_real(_bytearray, byte_index): """ Get real value. create float from 4 bytes """ x = _bytearray[byte_index:byte_index + 4] real = struct.unpack('>f', struct.pack('4B', *x))[0] return real
[docs]def set_string(_bytearray, byte_index, value, max_size): """ Set string value :params value: string data :params max_size: max possible string size """ if six.PY2: assert isinstance(value, (str, unicode)) else: assert isinstance(value, str) size = len(value) # FAIL HARD WHEN trying to write too much data into PLC if size > max_size: raise ValueError('size %s > max_size %s %s' % (size, max_size, value)) # set len count on first position _bytearray[byte_index + 1] = len(value) i = 0 # fill array which chr integers for i, c in enumerate(value): _bytearray[byte_index + 2 + i] = ord(c) # fill the rest with empty space for r in range(i + 1, _bytearray[byte_index]): _bytearray[byte_index + 2 + r] = ord(' ')
[docs]def get_string(_bytearray, byte_index, max_size): """ parse string from bytearray """ size = _bytearray[byte_index + 1] if max_size < size: logging.error("the string is to big for the size encountered in specification") logging.error("WRONG SIZED STRING ENCOUNTERED") size = max_size data = map(chr, _bytearray[byte_index + 2:byte_index + 2 + size]) return "".join(data)
def get_dword(_bytearray, byte_index): data = _bytearray[byte_index:byte_index + 4] dword = struct.unpack('>I', struct.pack('4B', *data))[0] return dword def set_dword(_bytearray, byte_index, dword): dword = int(dword) _bytes = struct.unpack('4B', struct.pack('>I', dword)) for i, b in enumerate(_bytes): _bytearray[byte_index + i] = b
[docs]def parse_specification(db_specification): """ Create a db specification derived from a dataview of a db in which the byte layout is specified """ parsed_db_specification = OrderedDict() for line in db_specification.split('\n'): if line and not line.startswith('#'): row = line.split('#')[0] # remove trailing comment index, var_name, _type = row.split() parsed_db_specification[var_name] = (index, _type) return parsed_db_specification
[docs]class DB(object): """ Manage a DB bytearray block given a specification of the Layout. It is possible to have many repetitive instances of a specification this is called a "row". probably most usecases there is just one row db1[0]['testbool1'] = test db1.write() # puts data in plc """ _bytearray = None # data from plc specification = None # layout of db rows row_size = None # bytes size of a db row layout_offset = None # at which byte in row specification should # we start reading the data db_offset = None # at which byte in db should we start reading? # first fields could be be status data. # and only the last part could be control data # now you can be sure you will never overwrite # critical parts of db def __init__(self, db_number, _bytearray, specification, row_size, size, id_field=None, db_offset=0, layout_offset=0, row_offset=0): self.db_number = db_number self.size = size self.row_size = row_size self.id_field = id_field self.db_offset = db_offset self.layout_offset = layout_offset self.row_offset = row_offset self._bytearray = _bytearray self.specification = specification # loop over bytearray. make rowObjects # store index of id_field to row objects self.index = OrderedDict() self.make_rows() def make_rows(self): id_field = self.id_field row_size = self.row_size specification = self.specification layout_offset = self.layout_offset for i in range(self.size): # calculate where row in bytearray starts db_offset = i * row_size + self.db_offset # create a row object row = DB_Row(self, specification, row_size=row_size, db_offset=db_offset, layout_offset=layout_offset, row_offset=self.row_offset) # store row object key = row[id_field] if id_field else i if key and key in self.index: msg = '%s not unique!' % key logging.error(msg) self.index[key] = row def __getitem__(self, key, default=None): return self.index.get(key, default) def __iter__(self): for key, row in self.index.items(): yield key, row def __len__(self): return len(self.index) def set_data(self, _bytearray): assert(isinstance(_bytearray, bytearray)) self._bytearray = _bytearray
[docs]class DB_Row(object): """ Provide ROW API for DB bytearray """ _bytearray = None # data of reference to parent DB _specification = None # row specification def __init__(self, _bytearray, _specification, row_size=0, db_offset=0, layout_offset=0, row_offset=0): self.db_offset = db_offset # start point of row data in db self.layout_offset = layout_offset # start point of row data in layout self.row_size = row_size self.row_offset = row_offset # start of writable part of row assert(isinstance(_bytearray, (bytearray, DB))) self._bytearray = _bytearray self._specification = parse_specification(_specification)
[docs] def get_bytearray(self): """ return bytearray from self or DB parent """ if isinstance(self._bytearray, DB): return self._bytearray._bytearray return self._bytearray
[docs] def export(self): """ export dictionary with values """ data = {} for key in self._specification: data[key] = self[key] return data
def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get a specific db field """ assert key in self._specification index, _type = self._specification[key] return self.get_value(index, _type) def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert key in self._specification index, _type = self._specification[key] self.set_value(index, _type, value) def __repr__(self): string = "" for var_name, (index, _type) in self._specification.items(): string = '%s\n%-20s %-10s' % (string, var_name, self.get_value(index, _type)) return string def unchanged(self, _bytearray): if self.get_bytearray() == _bytearray: return True return False
[docs] def get_offset(self, byte_index): """ Calculate correct beginning position for a row the db_offset = row_size * index """ return int(byte_index) - self.layout_offset + self.db_offset
def get_value(self, byte_index, _type): _bytearray = self.get_bytearray() if _type == 'BOOL': byte_index, bool_index = byte_index.split('.') return get_bool(_bytearray, self.get_offset(byte_index), int(bool_index)) # remove 4 from byte index since # first 4 bytes are used by db byte_index = self.get_offset(byte_index) if _type.startswith('STRING'): max_size ='\d+', _type).group(0) max_size = int(max_size) return get_string(_bytearray, byte_index, max_size) if _type == 'REAL': return get_real(_bytearray, byte_index) if _type == 'DWORD': return get_dword(_bytearray, byte_index) if _type == 'INT': return get_int(_bytearray, byte_index) raise ValueError def set_value(self, byte_index, _type, value): _bytearray = self.get_bytearray() if _type == 'BOOL': byte_index, bool_index = byte_index.split('.') return set_bool(_bytearray, self.get_offset(byte_index), int(bool_index), value) byte_index = self.get_offset(byte_index) if _type.startswith('STRING'): max_size ='\d+', _type).group(0) max_size = int(max_size) return set_string(_bytearray, byte_index, value, max_size) if _type == 'REAL': return set_real(_bytearray, byte_index, value) if _type == 'DWORD': return set_dword(_bytearray, byte_index, value) if _type == 'INT': return set_int(_bytearray, byte_index, value) raise ValueError
[docs] def write(self, client): """ Write current data to db in plc """ assert(isinstance(self._bytearray, DB)) assert(self.row_size >= 0) db_nr = self._bytearray.db_number offset = self.db_offset data = self.get_bytearray()[offset:offset+self.row_size] db_offset = self.db_offset # indicate start of write only area of row! if self.row_offset: data = data[self.row_offset:] db_offset += self.row_offset client.db_write(db_nr, db_offset, data)
[docs] def read(self, client): """ read current data of db row from plc """ assert(isinstance(self._bytearray, DB)) assert(self.row_size >= 0) db_nr = self._bytearray.db_number _bytearray = client.db_read(db_nr, self.db_offset, self.row_size) data = self.get_bytearray() # replace data in bytearray for i, b in enumerate(_bytearray): data[i + self.db_offset] = b