Source code for snap7.client

Snap7 client used for connection to a siemens7 server.
import logging
import re
from ctypes import c_int, c_char_p, byref, sizeof, c_uint16, c_int32, c_byte, c_ulong, Array
from ctypes import c_void_p, create_string_buffer
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional, List

import snap7
from snap7.common import check_error, load_library, ipv4
from snap7.exceptions import Snap7Exception
from snap7.types import S7Object, buffer_type, buffer_size, BlocksList, S7CpuInfo, S7DataItem, S7SZL, S7OrderCode, \
    S7Protection, S7SZLList, S7CpInfo
from snap7.types import TS7BlockInfo, param_types, cpu_statuses

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def error_wrap(func): """Parses a s7 error code returned the decorated function.""" def f(*args, **kw): code = func(*args, **kw) check_error(code, context="client") return f
[docs]class Client: """ A snap7 client """ def __init__(self): self._read_callback = None self._callback = None self._pointer = None self._library = load_library() self.create() def __del__(self): self.destroy()
[docs] def create(self): """ create a SNAP7 client. """"creating snap7 client") self._library.Cli_Create.restype = c_void_p self._pointer = S7Object(self._library.Cli_Create())
[docs] def destroy(self) -> Optional[int]: """ destroy a client. """"destroying snap7 client") if self._pointer: return self._library.Cli_Destroy(byref(self._pointer)) self._pointer = None return None
[docs] def plc_stop(self) -> int: """ stops a client """"stopping plc") return self._library.Cli_PlcStop(self._pointer)
[docs] def plc_cold_start(self) -> int: """ cold starts a client """"cold starting plc") return self._library.Cli_PlcColdStart(self._pointer)
[docs] def plc_hot_start(self) -> int: """ hot starts a client """"hot starting plc") return self._library.Cli_PlcHotStart(self._pointer)
[docs] def get_cpu_state(self) -> str: """ Retrieves CPU state from client """ state = c_int(0) self._library.Cli_GetPlcStatus(self._pointer, byref(state)) try: status_string = cpu_statuses[state.value] except KeyError: raise Snap7Exception(f"The cpu state ({state.value}) is invalid") logger.debug(f"CPU state is {status_string}") return status_string
[docs] def get_cpu_info(self) -> S7CpuInfo: """ Retrieves CPU info from client """ info = snap7.types.S7CpuInfo() result = self._library.Cli_GetCpuInfo(self._pointer, byref(info)) check_error(result, context="client") return info
@error_wrap def disconnect(self) -> int: """ disconnect a client. """"disconnecting snap7 client") return self._library.Cli_Disconnect(self._pointer) @error_wrap def connect(self, address: str, rack: int, slot: int, tcpport: int = 102) -> int: """ Connect to a S7 server. :param address: IP address of server :param rack: rack on server :param slot: slot on server. :param tcpport: port of server, 102 is standard """"connecting to {address}:{tcpport} rack {rack} slot {slot}") self.set_param(snap7.types.RemotePort, tcpport) return self._library.Cli_ConnectTo( self._pointer, c_char_p(address.encode()), c_int(rack), c_int(slot))
[docs] def db_read(self, db_number: int, start: int, size: int) -> bytearray: """This is a lean function of Cli_ReadArea() to read PLC DB. :returns: user buffer. """ logger.debug(f"db_read, db_number:{db_number}, start:{start}, size:{size}") type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] data = (type_ * size)() result = (self._library.Cli_DBRead( self._pointer, db_number, start, size, byref(data))) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(data)
@error_wrap def db_write(self, db_number: int, start: int, data: bytearray) -> int: """ Writes to a DB object. :param start: write offset :param data: bytearray :param db_number: target DB number """ wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[wordlen] size = len(data) cdata = (type_ * size).from_buffer_copy(data) logger.debug(f"db_write db_number:{db_number} start:{start} size:{size} data:{data}") return self._library.Cli_DBWrite(self._pointer, db_number, start, size, byref(cdata))
[docs] def delete(self, block_type: str, block_num: int) -> int: """ Deletes a block :param block_type: Type of block :param block_num: Bloc number """"deleting block") blocktype = snap7.types.block_types[block_type] result = self._library.Cli_Delete(self._pointer, blocktype, block_num) return result
[docs] def full_upload(self, _type: str, block_num: int) -> Tuple[bytearray, int]: """ Uploads a full block body from AG. The whole block (including header and footer) is copied into the user buffer. :param block_num: Number of Block """ _buffer = buffer_type() size = c_int(sizeof(_buffer)) block_type = snap7.types.block_types[_type] result = self._library.Cli_FullUpload(self._pointer, block_type, block_num, byref(_buffer), byref(size)) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(_buffer)[:size.value], size.value
[docs] def upload(self, block_num: int) -> bytearray: """ Uploads a block body from AG :param block_num: bytearray """ logger.debug(f"db_upload block_num: {block_num}") block_type = snap7.types.block_types['DB'] _buffer = buffer_type() size = c_int(sizeof(_buffer)) result = self._library.Cli_Upload(self._pointer, block_type, block_num, byref(_buffer), byref(size)) check_error(result, context="client")'received {size} bytes') return bytearray(_buffer)
@error_wrap def download(self, data: bytearray, block_num: int = -1) -> int: """ Downloads a DB data into the AG. A whole block (including header and footer) must be available into the user buffer. :param block_num: New Block number (or -1) :param data: the user buffer """ type_ = c_byte size = len(data) cdata = (type_ * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data) return self._library.Cli_Download(self._pointer, block_num, byref(cdata), size)
[docs] def db_get(self, db_number: int) -> bytearray: """Uploads a DB from AG. """ logger.debug(f"db_get db_number: {db_number}") _buffer = buffer_type() result = self._library.Cli_DBGet( self._pointer, db_number, byref(_buffer), byref(c_int(buffer_size))) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(_buffer)
[docs] def read_area(self, area: str, dbnumber: int, start: int, size: int) -> bytearray: """This is the main function to read data from a PLC. With it you can read DB, Inputs, Outputs, Merkers, Timers and Counters. :param dbnumber: The DB number, only used when area= S7AreaDB :param start: offset to start writing :param size: number of units to read """ assert area in snap7.types.areas.values() if area == snap7.types.S7AreaTM: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLTimer elif area == snap7.types.S7AreaCT: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLCounter else: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[wordlen] logger.debug(f"reading area: {area} dbnumber: {dbnumber} start: {start}: amount {size}: wordlen: {wordlen}") data = (type_ * size)() result = self._library.Cli_ReadArea(self._pointer, area, dbnumber, start, size, wordlen, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(data)
@error_wrap def write_area(self, area: str, dbnumber: int, start: int, data: bytearray) -> int: """This is the main function to write data into a PLC. It's the complementary function of Cli_ReadArea(), the parameters and their meanings are the same. The only difference is that the data is transferred from the buffer pointed by pUsrData into PLC. :param dbnumber: The DB number, only used when area= S7AreaDB :param start: offset to start writing :param data: a bytearray containing the payload """ if area == snap7.types.S7AreaTM: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLTimer elif area == snap7.types.S7AreaCT: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLCounter else: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] size = len(data) logger.debug(f"writing area: {area} dbnumber: {dbnumber} start: {start}: size {size}: " f"wordlen {wordlen} type: {type_}") cdata = (type_ * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data) return self._library.Cli_WriteArea(self._pointer, area, dbnumber, start, size, wordlen, byref(cdata))
[docs] def read_multi_vars(self, items) -> Tuple[int, S7DataItem]: """This function read multiple variables from the PLC. :param items: list of S7DataItem objects :returns: a tuple with the return code and a list of data items """ result = self._library.Cli_ReadMultiVars(self._pointer, byref(items), c_int32(len(items))) check_error(result, context="client") return result, items
[docs] def list_blocks(self) -> BlocksList: """Returns the AG blocks amount divided by type. :returns: a snap7.types.BlocksList object. """ logger.debug("listing blocks") blocksList = BlocksList() result = self._library.Cli_ListBlocks(self._pointer, byref(blocksList)) check_error(result, context="client") logger.debug(f"blocks: {blocksList}") return blocksList
[docs] def list_blocks_of_type(self, blocktype, size: int) -> Union[int, Array]: """This function returns the AG list of a specified block type.""" blocktype = snap7.types.block_types.get(blocktype) if not blocktype: raise Snap7Exception("The blocktype parameter was invalid") logger.debug(f"listing blocks of type: {blocktype} size: {size}") if size == 0: return 0 data = (c_uint16 * size)() count = c_int(size) result = self._library.Cli_ListBlocksOfType( self._pointer, blocktype, byref(data), byref(count)) logger.debug(f"number of items found: {count}") check_error(result, context="client") return data
[docs] def get_block_info(self, blocktype: str, db_number: int) -> TS7BlockInfo: """Returns the block information for the specified block.""" blocktype_ = snap7.types.block_types.get(blocktype) if not blocktype_: raise Snap7Exception("The blocktype parameter was invalid") logger.debug(f"retrieving block info for block {db_number} of type {blocktype_}") data = TS7BlockInfo() result = self._library.Cli_GetAgBlockInfo(self._pointer, blocktype_, db_number, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return data
@error_wrap def set_session_password(self, password: str) -> int: """Send the password to the PLC to meet its security level.""" assert len(password) <= 8, 'maximum password length is 8' return self._library.Cli_SetSessionPassword(self._pointer, c_char_p(password.encode())) @error_wrap def clear_session_password(self) -> int: """Clears the password set for the current session (logout).""" return self._library.Cli_ClearSessionPassword(self._pointer)
[docs] def set_connection_params(self, address: str, local_tsap: int, remote_tsap: int): """ Sets internally (IP, LocalTSAP, RemoteTSAP) Coordinates. This function must be called just before Cli_Connect(). :param address: PLC/Equipment IPV4 Address, for example "" :param local_tsap: Local TSAP (PC TSAP) :param remote_tsap: Remote TSAP (PLC TSAP) """ assert re.match(ipv4, address), f'{address} is invalid ipv4' result = self._library.Cli_SetConnectionParams(self._pointer, address, c_uint16(local_tsap), c_uint16(remote_tsap)) if result != 0: raise Snap7Exception("The parameter was invalid")
[docs] def set_connection_type(self, connection_type: int): """ Sets the connection resource type, i.e the way in which the Clients connects to a PLC. :param connection_type: 1 for PG, 2 for OP, 3 to 10 for S7 Basic """ result = self._library.Cli_SetConnectionType(self._pointer, c_uint16(connection_type)) if result != 0: raise Snap7Exception("The parameter was invalid")
[docs] def get_connected(self) -> bool: """ Returns the connection status :returns: a boolean that indicates if connected. """ connected = c_int32() result = self._library.Cli_GetConnected(self._pointer, byref(connected)) check_error(result, context="client") return bool(connected)
[docs] def ab_read(self, start: int, size: int) -> bytearray: """ This is a lean function of Cli_ReadArea() to read PLC process outputs. """ wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[wordlen] data = (type_ * size)() logger.debug(f"ab_read: start: {start}: size {size}: ") result = self._library.Cli_ABRead(self._pointer, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(data)
[docs] def ab_write(self, start: int, data: bytearray) -> int: """ This is a lean function of Cli_WriteArea() to write PLC process outputs """ wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[wordlen] size = len(data) cdata = (type_ * size).from_buffer_copy(data) logger.debug(f"ab write: start: {start}: size: {size}: ") return self._library.Cli_ABWrite( self._pointer, start, size, byref(cdata))
[docs] def as_ab_read(self, start: int, size: int, data) -> int: """ This is the asynchronous counterpart of client.ab_read(). """ logger.debug(f"ab_read: start: {start}: size {size}: ") result = self._library.Cli_AsABRead(self._pointer, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return result
[docs] def as_ab_write(self, start: int, data: bytearray) -> int: """ This is the asynchronous counterpart of Cli_ABWrite. """ wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[wordlen] size = len(data) cdata = (type_ * size).from_buffer_copy(data) logger.debug(f"ab write: start: {start}: size: {size}: ") result = self._library.Cli_AsABWrite( self._pointer, start, size, byref(cdata)) check_error(result, context="client") return result
[docs] def as_compress(self, time: int) -> int: """ This is the asynchronous counterpart of client.compress(). """ result = self._library.Cli_AsCompress(self._pointer, time) check_error(result, context="client") return result
def as_copy_ram_to_rom(self, timeout: int = 1) -> int: result = self._library.Cli_AsCopyRamToRom(self._pointer) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_ct_read(self, start: int, amount: int, data) -> int: # Cli_CTRead result = self._library.Cli_AsCTRead(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_ct_write(self, start: int, amount: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_CTWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLCounter] cdata = (type_ * amount).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_AsCTWrite(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(cdata)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_db_fill(self, db_number: int, filler) -> int: result = self._library.Cli_AsDBFill(self._pointer, db_number, filler) check_error(result, context="client") return result
[docs] def as_db_get(self, db_number: int, _buffer, size) -> bytearray: """ This is the asynchronous counterpart of Cli_DBGet. """ result = self._library.Cli_AsDBGet(self._pointer, db_number, byref(_buffer), byref(size)) check_error(result, context="client") return result
def as_db_read(self, db_number: int, start: int, size: int, data) -> Array: result = self._library.Cli_AsDBRead(self._pointer, db_number, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_db_write(self, db_number: int, start: int, size: int, data) -> int: result = self._library.Cli_AsDBWrite(self._pointer, db_number, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return result
[docs] def as_download(self, data: bytearray, block_num: int) -> int: """ Downloads a DB data into the AG asynchronously. A whole block (including header and footer) must be available into the user buffer. :param block_num: New Block number (or -1) :param data: the user buffer """ size = len(data) type_ = c_byte * len(data) cdata = type_.from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_AsDownload(self._pointer, block_num, byref(cdata), size) check_error(result) return result
@error_wrap def compress(self, time: int) -> int: """ Performs the Memory compress action. :param time: Maximum time expected to complete the operation (ms). """ return self._library.Cli_Compress(self._pointer, time) @error_wrap def set_param(self, number: int, value: int) -> int: """Sets an internal Server object parameter. """ logger.debug(f"setting param number {number} to {value}") type_ = param_types[number] return self._library.Cli_SetParam(self._pointer, number, byref(type_(value)))
[docs] def get_param(self, number: int) -> int: """Reads an internal Client object parameter. """ logger.debug(f"retreiving param number {number}") type_ = param_types[number] value = type_() code = self._library.Cli_GetParam(self._pointer, c_int(number), byref(value)) check_error(code) return value.value
[docs] def get_pdu_length(self) -> int: """ Returns info about the PDU length. """"getting PDU length") requested_ = c_uint16() negotiated_ = c_uint16() code = self._library.Cli_GetPduLength(self._pointer, byref(requested_), byref(negotiated_)) check_error(code) return negotiated_.value
[docs] def get_plc_datetime(self) -> datetime: """ Get date and time from PLC. :return: date and time as datetime """ type_ = c_int32 buffer = (type_ * 9)() result = self._library.Cli_GetPlcDateTime(self._pointer, byref(buffer)) check_error(result, context="client") return datetime( year=buffer[5] + 1900, month=buffer[4] + 1, day=buffer[3], hour=buffer[2], minute=buffer[1], second=buffer[0] )
@error_wrap def set_plc_datetime(self, dt: datetime) -> int: """ Set date and time in PLC :param dt: date and time as datetime """ type_ = c_int32 buffer = (type_ * 9)() buffer[0] = dt.second buffer[1] = dt.minute buffer[2] = dt.hour buffer[3] = buffer[4] = dt.month - 1 buffer[5] = dt.year - 1900 return self._library.Cli_SetPlcDateTime(self._pointer, byref(buffer))
[docs] def check_as_completion(self, p_value) -> int: """ Method to check Status of an async request. Result contains if the check was successful, not the data value itself :param p_value: Pointer where result of this check shall be written. :return: 0 - Job is done successfully :return: 1 - Job is either pending or contains s7errors """ result = self._library.Cli_CheckAsCompletion(self._pointer, p_value) check_error(result, context="client") return result
def set_as_callback(self, pfn_clicompletion, p_usr): # Cli_SetAsCallback result = self._library.Cli_SetAsCallback(self._pointer, pfn_clicompletion, p_usr) check_error(result, context='client') return result
[docs] def wait_as_completion(self, timeout: int) -> int: """ Snap7 Cli_WaitAsCompletion representative. :param timeout: ms to wait for async job :return: Result of request in int format """ # Cli_WaitAsCompletion result = self._library.Cli_WaitAsCompletion(self._pointer, c_ulong(timeout)) check_error(result, context="client") return result
def _prepare_as_read_area(self, area: str, size: int) -> Tuple[int, Array]: if area not in snap7.types.areas.values(): raise NotImplementedError(f"{area} is not implemented in snap7.types") if area == snap7.types.S7AreaTM: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLTimer elif area == snap7.types.S7AreaCT: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLCounter else: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[wordlen] usrdata = (type_ * size)() return wordlen, usrdata
[docs] def as_read_area(self, area: str, dbnumber: int, start: int, size: int, wordlen: int, pusrdata) -> int: """This is the main function to read data from a PLC. With it you can read DB, Inputs, Outputs, Merkers, Timers and Counters. :param area: chosen memory_area :param dbnumber: The DB number, only used when area= S7AreaDB :param start: offset to start writing :param size: number of units to read :param pusrdata: :param wordlen: """ logger.debug(f"reading area: {area} dbnumber: {dbnumber} start: {start}: amount {size}: wordlen: {wordlen}") result = self._library.Cli_AsReadArea(self._pointer, area, dbnumber, start, size, wordlen, pusrdata) check_error(result, context="client") return result
def _prepare_as_write_area(self, area: str, data: bytearray) -> Tuple[int, Array]: if area not in snap7.types.areas.values(): raise NotImplementedError(f"{area} is not implemented in snap7.types") if area == snap7.types.S7AreaTM: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLTimer elif area == snap7.types.S7AreaCT: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLCounter else: wordlen = snap7.types.S7WLByte type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] cdata = (type_ * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data) return wordlen, cdata
[docs] def as_write_area(self, area: str, dbnumber: int, start: int, size: int, wordlen: int, pusrdata) -> int: """This is the main function to write data into a PLC. It's the complementary function of Cli_ReadArea(), the parameters and their meanings are the same. The only difference is that the data is transferred from the buffer pointed by pUsrData into PLC. :param area: chosen memory_area :param dbnumber: The DB number, only used when area= S7AreaDB :param start: offset to start writing """ type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] logger.debug(f"writing area: {area} dbnumber: {dbnumber} start: {start}: size {size}: " f"wordlen {wordlen} type: {type_}") cdata = (type_ * len(pusrdata)).from_buffer_copy(pusrdata) res = self._library.Cli_AsWriteArea(self._pointer, area, dbnumber, start, size, wordlen, byref(cdata)) check_error(res, context="client") return res
def as_eb_read(self, start: int, size: int, data) -> int: # Cli_AsEBRead result = self._library.Cli_AsEBRead(self._pointer, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_eb_write(self, start: int, size: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_AsEBWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] cdata = (type_ * size).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_AsEBWrite(self._pointer, start, size, byref(cdata)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_full_upload(self, _type: str, block_num: int) -> int: # Cli_AsFullUpload _buffer = buffer_type() size = c_int(sizeof(_buffer)) block_type = snap7.types.block_types[_type] result = self._library.Cli_AsFullUpload(self._pointer, block_type, block_num, byref(_buffer), byref(size)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_list_blocks_of_type(self, blocktype, data, count) -> int: blocktype = snap7.types.block_types.get(blocktype) if not blocktype: raise Snap7Exception("The blocktype parameter was invalid") result = self._library.Cli_AsListBlocksOfType(self._pointer, blocktype, byref(data), byref(count)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_mb_read(self, start: int, size: int, data) -> int: # Cli_AsMBRead result = self._library.Cli_AsMBRead(self._pointer, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_mb_write(self, start: int, size: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_AsMBWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] cdata = (type_ * size).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_AsMBWrite(self._pointer, start, size, byref(cdata)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_read_szl(self, ssl_id: int, index: int, s7_szl: S7SZL, size) -> int: # Cli_AsReadSZL result = self._library.Cli_AsReadSZL(self._pointer, ssl_id, index, byref(s7_szl), byref(size)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_read_szl_list(self, szl_list, items_count) -> int: # Cli_AsReadSZLList result = self._library.Cli_AsReadSZLList(self._pointer, byref(szl_list), byref(items_count)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_tm_read(self, start: int, amount: int, data) -> bytearray: # Cli_ASTMRead result = self._library.Cli_AsTMRead(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def as_tm_write(self, start: int, amount: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_TMWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLTimer] cdata = (type_ * amount).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_AsTMWrite(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(cdata)) check_error(result) return result def as_upload(self, block_num: int, _buffer, size) -> int: block_type = snap7.types.block_types['DB'] result = self._library.Cli_AsUpload(self._pointer, block_type, block_num, byref(_buffer), byref(size)) check_error(result, context="client") return result def copy_ram_to_rom(self, timeout: int = 1) -> int: # Cli_CopyRamToRom result = self._library.Cli_CopyRamToRom(self._pointer, timeout) check_error(result, context="client") return result def ct_read(self, start: int, amount: int) -> bytearray: # Cli_CTRead type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLCounter] data = (type_ * amount)() result = self._library.Cli_CTRead(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(data) def ct_write(self, start: int, amount: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_CTWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLCounter] cdata = (type_ * amount).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_CTWrite(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(cdata)) check_error(result) return result def db_fill(self, db_number: int, filler: int) -> int: # Cli_DBFill result = self._library.Cli_DBFill(self._pointer, db_number, filler) check_error(result) return result def eb_read(self, start: int, size: int) -> bytearray: # Cli_EBRead type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] data = (type_ * size)() result = self._library.Cli_EBRead(self._pointer, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(data) def eb_write(self, start: int, size: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_EBWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] cdata = (type_ * size).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_EBWrite(self._pointer, start, size, byref(cdata)) check_error(result) return result def error_text(self, error: int) -> str: # Cli_ErrorText text_length = c_int(256) error_code = c_int32(error) text = create_string_buffer(buffer_size) response = self._library.Cli_ErrorText(error_code, byref(text), text_length) check_error(response) result = bytearray(text)[:text_length.value].decode().strip('\x00') return result def get_cp_info(self) -> S7CpInfo: # Cli_GetCpInfo cp_info = S7CpInfo() result = self._library.Cli_GetCpInfo(self._pointer, byref(cp_info)) check_error(result) return cp_info def get_exec_time(self) -> int: # Cli_GetExecTime time = c_int32() result = self._library.Cli_GetExecTime(self._pointer, byref(time)) check_error(result) return time.value def get_last_error(self) -> int: # Cli_GetLastError last_error = c_int32() result = self._library.Cli_GetLastError(self._pointer, byref(last_error)) check_error(result) return last_error.value def get_order_code(self) -> S7OrderCode: # Cli_GetOrderCode order_code = S7OrderCode() result = self._library.Cli_GetOrderCode(self._pointer, byref(order_code)) check_error(result) return order_code def get_pg_block_info(self, block: bytearray) -> TS7BlockInfo: block_info = TS7BlockInfo() size = c_int(len(block)) buffer = (c_byte * len(block)).from_buffer_copy(block) result = self._library.Cli_GetPgBlockInfo(self._pointer, byref(buffer), byref(block_info), size) check_error(result) return block_info def get_protection(self) -> S7Protection: # Cli_GetProtection s7_protection = S7Protection() result = self._library.Cli_GetProtection(self._pointer, byref(s7_protection)) check_error(result) return s7_protection def iso_exchange_buffer(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray: # Cli_IsoExchangeBuffer size = c_int(len(data)) cdata = (c_byte * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data) response = self._library.Cli_IsoExchangeBuffer(self._pointer, byref(cdata), byref(size)) check_error(response) result = bytearray(cdata)[:size.value] return result def mb_read(self, start: int, size: int) -> bytearray: # Cli_MBRead type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] data = (type_ * size)() result = self._library.Cli_MBRead(self._pointer, start, size, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(data) def mb_write(self, start: int, size: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_MBWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLByte] cdata = (type_ * size).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_MBWrite(self._pointer, start, size, byref(cdata)) check_error(result) return result def read_szl(self, ssl_id: int, index: int = 0x0000) -> S7SZL: # Cli_ReadSZL s7_szl = S7SZL() size = c_int(sizeof(s7_szl)) result = self._library.Cli_ReadSZL(self._pointer, ssl_id, index, byref(s7_szl), byref(size)) check_error(result, context="client") return s7_szl def read_szl_list(self) -> bytearray: # Cli_ReadSZLList szl_list = S7SZLList() items_count = c_int(sizeof(szl_list)) response = self._library.Cli_ReadSZLList(self._pointer, byref(szl_list), byref(items_count)) check_error(response, context="client") result = bytearray(szl_list.List)[:items_count.value] return result def set_plc_system_datetime(self) -> int: # Cli_SetPlcSystemDateTime result = self._library.Cli_SetPlcSystemDateTime(self._pointer) check_error(result) return result def tm_read(self, start: int, amount: int) -> bytearray: # Cli_TMRead type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLTimer] data = (type_ * amount)() result = self._library.Cli_TMRead(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(data)) check_error(result, context="client") return bytearray(data) def tm_write(self, start: int, amount: int, data: bytearray) -> int: # Cli_TMWrite type_ = snap7.types.wordlen_to_ctypes[snap7.types.S7WLTimer] cdata = (type_ * amount).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_TMWrite(self._pointer, start, amount, byref(cdata)) check_error(result) return result def write_multi_vars(self, items: List[S7DataItem]) -> int: # Cli_WriteMultiVars items_count = c_int32(len(items)) data = bytearray() for item in items: data += bytearray(item) cdata = (S7DataItem * len(items)).from_buffer_copy(data) result = self._library.Cli_WriteMultiVars(self._pointer, byref(cdata), items_count) check_error(result, context="client") return result