Source code for snap7.util

This module contains utility functions for working with PLC DB objects.
There are functions to work with the raw bytearray data snap7 functions return
In order to work with this data you need to make python able to work with the
PLC bytearray data.

For example code see and in the example folder.


    spec/DB layout

    # Byte index    Variable name  Datatype
    4	          ID             INT
    6             NAME	         STRING[6]

    12.0          testbool1      BOOL
    12.1          testbool2      BOOL
    12.2          testbool3      BOOL
    12.3          testbool4      BOOL
    12.4          testbool5      BOOL
    12.5          testbool6      BOOL
    12.6          testbool7      BOOL
    12.7          testbool8      BOOL
    13            testReal       REAL
    17            testDword      DWORD

    client = snap7.client.Client()
    client.connect('', 0, 3)

    # this looks confusing but this means uploading from the PLC to YOU
    # so downloading in the PC world :)

    all_data = client.upload(db_number)


    db1 = snap7.util.DB(
        db_number,              # the db we use
        all_data,               # bytearray from the plc
        layout,                 # layout specification DB variable data
                                # A DB specification is the specification of a
                                # DB object in the PLC you can find it using
                                # the dataview option on a DB object in PCS7

        17+2,                   # size of the specification 17 is start
                                # of last value
                                # which is a DWORD which is 2 bytes,

        1,                      # number of row's / specifications

        id_field='ID',          # field we can use to identify a row.
                                # default index is used
        layout_offset=4,        # sometimes specification does not start a 0
                                # like in our example
        db_offset=0             # At which point in 'all_data' should we start
                                # reading. if could be that the specification
                                # does not start at 0

    Now we can use db1 in python as a dict. if 'ID' contains
    the 'test' we can identify the 'test' row in the all_data bytearray

    To test of you layout matches the data from the plc you can
    just print db1[0] or db['test'] in the example

    db1['test']['testbool1'] = 0

    If we do not specify a id_field this should work to read out the
    same data.


    to read and write a single Row from the plc. takes like 5ms!



from snap7.common import ADict
import struct
import logging
import re
from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
from snap7.types import Areas
from snap7.client import Client
from snap7.exceptions import Snap7Exception
import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def utc2local(utc: Union[date, datetime]) -> Union[datetime, date]: """Returns the local datetime Args: utc: UTC type date or datetime. Returns: Local datetime. """ epoch = time.mktime(utc.timetuple()) offset = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch) - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch) return utc + offset
[docs]def get_bool(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, bool_index: int) -> bool: """Get the boolean value from location in bytearray Args: bytearray_: buffer data. byte_index: byte index to read from. bool_index: bit index to read from. Returns: True if the bit is 1, else 0. Examples: >>> buffer = bytearray([0b00000001]) # Only one byte length >>> get_bool(buffer, 0, 0) # The bit 0 starts at the right. True """ index_value = 1 << bool_index byte_value = bytearray_[byte_index] current_value = byte_value & index_value return current_value == index_value
[docs]def set_bool(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, bool_index: int, value: bool): """Set boolean value on location in bytearray. Args: bytearray_: buffer to write to. byte_index: byte index to write to. bool_index: bit index to write to. value: value to write. Examples: >>> buffer = bytearray([0b00000000]) >>> set_bool(buffer, 0, 0, True) >>> buffer bytearray(b"\\x01") """ if value not in {0, 1, True, False}: raise TypeError(f"Value value:{value} is not a boolean expression.") current_value = get_bool(bytearray_, byte_index, bool_index) index_value = 1 << bool_index # check if bool already has correct value if current_value == value: return if value: # make sure index_v is IN current byte bytearray_[byte_index] += index_value else: # make sure index_v is NOT in current byte bytearray_[byte_index] -= index_value
[docs]def set_byte(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, _int: int) -> bytearray: """Set value in bytearray to byte Args: bytearray_: buffer to write to. byte_index: byte index to write. _int: value to write. Returns: buffer with the written value. Examples: >>> buffer = bytearray([0b00000000]) >>> set_byte(buffer, 0, 255) bytearray(b"\\xFF") """ _int = int(_int) _bytes = struct.pack('B', _int) bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 1] = _bytes return bytearray_
[docs]def get_byte(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> int: """Get byte value from bytearray. Notes: WORD 8bit 1bytes Decimal number unsigned B#(0) to B#(255) => 0 to 255 Args: bytearray_: buffer to be read from. byte_index: byte index to be read. Returns: value get from the byte index. """ data = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 1] data[0] = data[0] & 0xff packed = struct.pack('B', *data) value = struct.unpack('B', packed)[0] return value
[docs]def set_word(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, _int: int): """Set value in bytearray to word Notes: Word datatype is 2 bytes long. Args: bytearray_: buffer to be written. byte_index: byte index to start write from. _int: value to be write. Return: buffer with the written value """ _int = int(_int) _bytes = struct.unpack('2B', struct.pack('>H', _int)) bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 2] = _bytes return bytearray_
[docs]def get_word(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> int: """Get word value from bytearray. Notes: WORD 16bit 2bytes Decimal number unsigned B#(0,0) to B#(255,255) => 0 to 65535 Args: bytearray_: buffer to get the word from. byte_index: byte index from where start reading from. Returns: Word value. Examples: >>> data = bytearray([0, 100]) # two bytes for a word >>> snap7.util.get_word(data, 0) 100 """ data = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 2] data[1] = data[1] & 0xff data[0] = data[0] & 0xff packed = struct.pack('2B', *data) value = struct.unpack('>H', packed)[0] return value
[docs]def set_int(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, _int: int): """Set value in bytearray to int Notes: An datatype `int` in the PLC consists of two `bytes`. Args: bytearray_: buffer to write on. byte_index: byte index to start writing from. _int: int value to write. Returns: Buffer with the written value. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(2) >>> snap7.util.set_int(data, 0, 255) bytearray(b'\\x00\\xff') """ # make sure were dealing with an int _int = int(_int) _bytes = struct.unpack('2B', struct.pack('>h', _int)) bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 2] = _bytes return bytearray_
[docs]def get_int(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> int: """Get int value from bytearray. Notes: Datatype `int` in the PLC is represented in two bytes Args: bytearray_: buffer to read from. byte_index: byte index to start reading from. Returns: Value read. Examples: >>> data = bytearray([0, 255]) >>> snap7.util.get_int(data, 0) 255 """ data = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 2] data[1] = data[1] & 0xff data[0] = data[0] & 0xff packed = struct.pack('2B', *data) value = struct.unpack('>h', packed)[0] return value
[docs]def set_real(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, real) -> bytearray: """Set Real value Notes: Datatype `real` is represented in 4 bytes in the PLC. The packed representation uses the `IEEE 754 binary32`. Args: bytearray_: buffer to write to. byte_index: byte index to start writing from. real: value to be written. Returns: Buffer with the value written. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(4) >>> snap7.util.set_real(data, 0, 123.321) bytearray(b'B\\xf6\\xa4Z') """ real = float(real) real = struct.pack('>f', real) _bytes = struct.unpack('4B', real) for i, b in enumerate(_bytes): bytearray_[byte_index + i] = b return bytearray_
[docs]def get_real(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> float: """Get real value. Notes: Datatype `real` is represented in 4 bytes in the PLC. The packed representation uses the `IEEE 754 binary32`. Args: bytearray_: buffer to read from. byte_index: byte index to reading from. Returns: Real value. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(b'B\\xf6\\xa4Z') >>> snap7.util.get_real(data, 0) 123.32099914550781 """ x = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 4] real = struct.unpack('>f', struct.pack('4B', *x))[0] return real
[docs]def set_string(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, value: str, max_size: int): """Set string value Args: bytearray_: buffer to write to. byte_index: byte index to start writing from. value: string to write. max_size: maximum possible string size. Raises: :obj:`TypeError`: if the `value` is not a :obj:`str`. :obj:`ValueError`: if the length of the `value` is larger than the `max_size`. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(20) >>> snap7.util.set_string(data, 0, "hello world", 255) >>> data bytearray(b'\\x00\\x0bhello world\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00') """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"Value value:{value} is not from Type string") size = len(value) # FAIL HARD WHEN trying to write too much data into PLC if size > max_size: raise ValueError(f'size {size} > max_size {max_size} {value}') # set len count on first position bytearray_[byte_index + 1] = len(value) i = 0 # fill array which chr integers for i, c in enumerate(value): bytearray_[byte_index + 2 + i] = ord(c) # fill the rest with empty space for r in range(i + 1, bytearray_[byte_index]): bytearray_[byte_index + 2 + r] = ord(' ')
[docs]def get_string(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, max_size: int) -> str: """Parse string from bytearray Notes: The first byte of the buffer will contain the max size posible for a string. The second byte contains the length of the string that contains. Args: bytearray_: buffer from where to get the string. byte_index: byte index from where to start reading. max_size: maximum possible string size. Returns: String value. Examples: >>> data = bytearray([254, len("hello world")] + [ord(letter) for letter in "hello world"]) >>> snap7.util.get_string(data, 0, 255) 'hello world' """ size = bytearray_[byte_index + 1] if max_size < size: logger.error("the string is too big for the size encountered in specification") logger.error("WRONG SIZED STRING ENCOUNTERED") size = max_size data = map(chr, bytearray_[byte_index + 2:byte_index + 2 + size]) return "".join(data)
[docs]def get_dword(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> int: """ Gets the dword from the buffer. Notes: Datatype `dword` consists in 8 bytes in the PLC. The maximum value posible is `4294967295` Args: bytearray_: buffer to read. byte_index: byte index from where to start reading. Returns: Value read. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(8) >>> data[:] = b"\\x12\\x34\\xAB\\xCD" >>> snap7.util.get_dword(data, 0) 4294967295 """ data = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 4] dword = struct.unpack('>I', struct.pack('4B', *data))[0] return dword
[docs]def set_dword(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, dword: int): """Set a DWORD to the buffer. Notes: Datatype `dword` consists in 8 bytes in the PLC. The maximum value posible is `4294967295` Args: bytearray_: buffer to write to. byte_index: byte index from where to writing reading. dword: value to write. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(4) >>> snap7.util.set_dword(data,0, 4294967295) >>> data bytearray(b'\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff') """ dword = int(dword) _bytes = struct.unpack('4B', struct.pack('>I', dword)) for i, b in enumerate(_bytes): bytearray_[byte_index + i] = b
[docs]def get_dint(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> int: """Get dint value from bytearray. Notes: Datatype `dint` consists in 4 bytes in the PLC. Maximum possible value is 2147483647. Lower posible value is -2147483648. Args: bytearray_: buffer to read. byte_index: byte index from where to start reading. Returns: Value read. Examples: >>> import struct >>> data = bytearray(4) >>> data[:] = struct.pack(">i", 2147483647) >>> snap7.util.get_dint(data, 0) 2147483647 """ data = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 4] dint = struct.unpack('>i', struct.pack('4B', *data))[0] return dint
[docs]def set_dint(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, dint: int): """Set value in bytearray to dint Notes: Datatype `dint` consists in 4 bytes in the PLC. Maximum possible value is 2147483647. Lower posible value is -2147483648. Args: bytearray_: buffer to write. byte_index: byte index from where to start writing. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(4) >>> snap7.util.set_dint(data, 0, 2147483647) >>> data bytearray(b'\\x7f\\xff\\xff\\xff') """ dint = int(dint) _bytes = struct.unpack('4B', struct.pack('>i', dint)) for i, b in enumerate(_bytes): bytearray_[byte_index + i] = b
def get_s5time(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> str: micro_to_milli = 1000 data_bytearray = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 2] s5time_data_int_like = list(data_bytearray.hex()) if s5time_data_int_like[0] == '0': # 10ms time_base = 10 elif s5time_data_int_like[0] == '1': # 100ms time_base = 100 elif s5time_data_int_like[0] == '2': # 1s time_base = 1000 elif s5time_data_int_like[0] == '3': # 10s time_base = 10000 else: raise ValueError('This value should not be greater than 3') s5time_bcd = \ int(s5time_data_int_like[1]) * 100 + \ int(s5time_data_int_like[2]) * 10 + \ int(s5time_data_int_like[3]) s5time_microseconds = time_base * s5time_bcd s5time = timedelta(microseconds=s5time_microseconds * micro_to_milli) # here we must return a string like variable, otherwise nothing will return return "".join(str(s5time)) def get_dt(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> str: # 1990 - 1999, 2000 - 2089 micro_to_milli = 1000 data_bytearray = bytearray_[byte_index:byte_index + 8] dt_lst = list(data_bytearray.hex()) date_time_list = [] for i in range(0, len(dt_lst), 2): # last two bytearrays are the miliseconds and workday, they must be parsed together if i != len(dt_lst) - 4: if i == 0 and dt_lst[i] == '9': date_time_list.append(int('19' + dt_lst[i] + dt_lst[i + 1])) elif i == 0 and dt_lst[i] != '9': date_time_list.append(int('20' + dt_lst[i] + dt_lst[i + 1])) else: date_time_list.append(int(dt_lst[i] + dt_lst[i + 1])) else: date_time_list.append(int(dt_lst[i] + dt_lst[i + 1] + dt_lst[i + 2])) break date_and_time = datetime( date_time_list[0], date_time_list[1], date_time_list[2], date_time_list[3], date_time_list[4], date_time_list[5], date_time_list[6] * micro_to_milli).isoformat(timespec='microseconds') return date_and_time
[docs]def set_usint(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, _int: int) -> bytearray: """set unsigned small int Notes: Datatype `usint` (Unsigned small int) consists on 1 byte in the PLC. Maximum posible value is 255. Lower posible value is 0. Args: bytearray_: buffer to write. byte_index: byte index from where to start writing. _int: value to write. Returns: Buffer with the written value. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(1) >>> snap7.util.set_usint(data, 0, 255) bytearray(b'\\xff') """ _int = int(_int) _bytes = struct.unpack('B', struct.pack('>B', _int)) bytearray_[byte_index] = _bytes[0] return bytearray_
[docs]def get_usint(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> int: """Get the unsigned small int from the bytearray Notes: Datatype `usint` (Unsigned small int) consists on 1 byte in the PLC. Maximum posible value is 255. Lower posible value is 0. Args: bytearray_: buffer to read from. byte_index: byte index from where to start reading. Returns: Value read. Examples: >>> data = bytearray([255]) >>> snap7.util.get_usint(data, 0) 255 """ data = bytearray_[byte_index] & 0xff packed = struct.pack('B', data) value = struct.unpack('>B', packed)[0] return value
[docs]def set_sint(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int, _int) -> bytearray: """Set small int to the buffer. Notes: Datatype `sint` (Small int) consists in 1 byte in the PLC. Maximum value posible is 127. Lowest value posible is -128. Args: bytearray_: buffer to write to. byte_index: byte index from where to start writing. _int: value to write. Returns: Buffer with the written value. Examples: >>> data = bytearray(1) >>> snap7.util.set_sint(data, 0, 127) bytearray(b'\\x7f') """ _int = int(_int) _bytes = struct.unpack('B', struct.pack('>b', _int)) bytearray_[byte_index] = _bytes[0] return bytearray_
[docs]def get_sint(bytearray_: bytearray, byte_index: int) -> int: """Get the small int Notes: Datatype `sint` (Small int) consists in 1 byte in the PLC. Maximum value posible is 127. Lowest value posible is -128. Args: bytearray_: buffer to read from. byte_index: byte index from where to start reading. Returns: Value read. Examples: >>> data = bytearray([127]) >>> snap7.util.get_sint(data, 0) 127 """ data = bytearray_[byte_index] packed = struct.pack('B', data) value = struct.unpack('>b', packed)[0] return value
[docs]def parse_specification(db_specification: str) -> OrderedDict: """Create a db specification derived from a dataview of a db in which the byte layout is specified Args: db_specification: string formatted table with the indexes, aliases and types. Returns: Parsed DB specification. """ parsed_db_specification = OrderedDict() for line in db_specification.split('\n'): if line and not line.lstrip().startswith('#'): index, var_name, _type = line.split('#')[0].split() parsed_db_specification[var_name] = (index, _type) return parsed_db_specification
[docs]class DB: """ Manage a DB bytearray block given a specification of the Layout. It is possible to have many repetitive instances of a specification this is called a "row". Probably most usecases there is just one row Attributes: bytearray_: buffer data from the PLC. specification: layout of the DB Rows. row_size: bytes size of a db row. layout_offset: at which byte in the row specificaion we start reading the data. db_offset: at which byte in the db starts reading. Examples: >>> db1[0]['testbool1'] = test >>> db1.write() # puts data in plc """ bytearray_: Optional[bytearray] = None # data from plc specification: Optional[str] = None # layout of db rows row_size: Optional[int] = None # bytes size of a db row layout_offset: Optional[int] = None # at which byte in row specification should # we start reading the data db_offset: Optional[int] = None # at which byte in db should we start reading? # first fields could be be status data. # and only the last part could be control data # now you can be sure you will never overwrite # critical parts of db
[docs] def __init__(self, db_number: int, bytearray_: bytearray, specification: str, row_size: int, size: int, id_field: Optional[str] = None, db_offset: Optional[int] = 0, layout_offset: Optional[int] = 0, row_offset: Optional[int] = 0, area: Optional[Areas] = Areas.DB): """ Creates a new instance of the `Row` class. Args: db_number: number of the DB to read from. This value should be 0 if area!=Areas.DB. bytearray_: initial buffer read from the PLC. specification: layout of the PLC memory. row_size: bytes size of a db row. size: lenght of the memory area. id_field: name to reference the row. Optional. db_offset: at which byte in the db starts reading. layout_offset: at which byte in the row specificaion we start reading the data. row_offset: offset between rows. area: which memory area this row is representing. """ self.db_number = db_number self.size = size self.row_size = row_size self.id_field = id_field self.area = area self.db_offset = db_offset self.layout_offset = layout_offset self.row_offset = row_offset self._bytearray = bytearray_ self.specification = specification # loop over bytearray. make rowObjects # store index of id_field to row objects self.index: OrderedDict = OrderedDict() self.make_rows()
[docs] def make_rows(self): """ Make each row for the DB. """ id_field = self.id_field row_size = self.row_size specification = self.specification layout_offset = self.layout_offset for i in range(self.size): # calculate where row in bytearray starts db_offset = i * row_size + self.db_offset # create a row object row = DB_Row(self, specification, row_size=row_size, db_offset=db_offset, layout_offset=layout_offset, row_offset=self.row_offset, area=self.area) # store row object key = row[id_field] if id_field else i if key and key in self.index: msg = f'{key} not unique!' logger.error(msg) self.index[key] = row
def __getitem__(self, key: str, default: Optional[None] = None) -> Union[None, int, float, str, bool, datetime]: return self.index.get(key, default) def __iter__(self): for key, row in self.index.items(): yield key, row def __len__(self): return len(self.index)
[docs] def set_data(self, bytearray_: bytearray): """Set the new buffer data from the PLC to the current instance. Args: bytearray_: buffer to save. Raises: :obj:`TypeError`: if `bytearray_` is not an instance of :obj:`bytearray` """ if not isinstance(bytearray_, bytearray): raise TypeError(f"Value bytearray_: {bytearray_} is not from type bytearray") self._bytearray = bytearray_
[docs]class DB_Row: """ Provide ROW API for DB bytearray Attributes: bytearray_: reference to the data of the parent DB. _specification: row specification layout. """ bytearray_: bytearray # data of reference to parent DB _specification: OrderedDict = OrderedDict() # row specification
[docs] def __init__( self, bytearray_: bytearray, _specification: str, row_size: Optional[int] = 0, db_offset: int = 0, layout_offset: int = 0, row_offset: Optional[int] = 0, area: Optional[Areas] = Areas.DB ): """Creates a new instance of the `DB_Row` class. Args: bytearray_: reference to the data of the parent DB. _specification: row specification layout. row_size: Amount of bytes of the row. db_offset: at which byte in the db starts reading. layout_offset: at which byte in the row specificaion we start reading the data. row_offset: offset between rows. area: which memory area this row is representing. Raises: :obj:`TypeError`: if `bytearray_` is not an instance of :obj:`bytearray` or :obj:`DB`. """ self.db_offset = db_offset # start point of row data in db self.layout_offset = layout_offset # start point of row data in layout self.row_size = row_size # lenght of the read self.row_offset = row_offset # start of writable part of row self.area = area if not isinstance(bytearray_, (bytearray, DB)): raise TypeError(f"Value bytearray_ {bytearray_} is not from type (bytearray, DB)") self._bytearray = bytearray_ self._specification = parse_specification(_specification)
[docs] def get_bytearray(self) -> bytearray: """Gets bytearray from self or DB parent Returns: Buffer data corresponding to the row. """ if isinstance(self._bytearray, DB): return self._bytearray._bytearray return self._bytearray
[docs] def export(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int, float, bool, datetime]]: """ Export dictionary with values Returns: dictionary containing the values of each value of the row. """ data = {} for key in self._specification: data[key] = self[key] return data
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get a specific db field """ index, _type = self._specification[key] return self.get_value(index, _type)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): index, _type = self._specification[key] self.set_value(index, _type, value) def __repr__(self): string = "" for var_name, (index, _type) in self._specification.items(): string = f'{string}\n{var_name:<20} {self.get_value(index, _type):<10}' return string
[docs] def unchanged(self, bytearray_: bytearray) -> bool: """ Checks if the bytearray is the same Args: bytearray_: buffer of data to check. Returns: True if the current `bytearray_` is equal to the new one. Otherwise is False. """ if self.get_bytearray() == bytearray_: return True return False
[docs] def get_offset(self, byte_index: Union[str, int]) -> int: """ Calculate correct beginning position for a row the db_offset = row_size * index Args: byte_index: byte index from where to start reading from. Returns: Amount of bytes to ignore. """ # add float typ to avoid error because of # the variable address with decimal point(like 0.0 or 4.0) return int(float(byte_index)) - self.layout_offset + self.db_offset
[docs] def get_value(self, byte_index: Union[str, int], type_: str) -> Union[ValueError, int, float, str, datetime]: """ Gets the value for a specific type. Args: byte_index: byte index from where start reading. type_: type of data to read. Raises: :obj:`Snap7Exception`: if reading a `string` when checking the lenght of the string. :obj:`ValueError`: if the `type_` is not handled. Returns: Value read according to the `type_` """ bytearray_ = self.get_bytearray() if type_ == 'BOOL': byte_index, bool_index = str(byte_index).split('.') return get_bool(bytearray_, self.get_offset(byte_index), int(bool_index)) # remove 4 from byte index since # first 4 bytes are used by db byte_index = self.get_offset(byte_index) if type_.startswith('STRING'): max_size ='\d+', type_) if max_size is None: raise Snap7Exception("Max size could not be determinate. returned None") max_size_grouped = max_size_int = int(max_size_grouped) return get_string(bytearray_, byte_index, max_size_int) elif type_ == 'REAL': return get_real(bytearray_, byte_index) elif type_ == 'DWORD': return get_dword(bytearray_, byte_index) elif type_ == 'DINT': return get_dint(bytearray_, byte_index) elif type_ == 'INT': return get_int(bytearray_, byte_index) elif type_ == 'WORD': return get_word(bytearray_, byte_index) elif type_ == 'S5TIME': data_s5time = get_s5time(bytearray_, byte_index) return data_s5time elif type_ == 'DATE_AND_TIME': data_dt = get_dt(bytearray_, byte_index) return data_dt elif type_ == 'USINT': return get_usint(bytearray_, byte_index) elif type_ == 'SINT': return get_sint(bytearray_, byte_index) # add these three not implemented data typ to avoid # 'Unable to get repr for class<snap7.util.DB_ROW>' error elif type_ == 'TIME': return 'read TIME not implemented' elif type_ == 'DATE': return 'read DATE not implemented' elif type_ == 'TIME_OF_DAY': return 'read TIME_OF_DAY not implemented' raise ValueError
[docs] def set_value(self, byte_index: Union[str, int], type: str, value: Union[bool, str, int, float]) -> Union[bytearray, None]: """Sets the value for a specific type in the specified byte index. Args: byte_index: byte index to start writing to. type: type of value to write. value: value to write. Raises: :obj:`Snap7Exception`: if reading a `string` when checking the lenght of the string. :obj:`ValueError`: if the `type_` is not handled. Returns: Buffer data with the value written. Optional. """ bytearray_ = self.get_bytearray() if type == 'BOOL' and isinstance(value, bool): byte_index, bool_index = str(byte_index).split(".") return set_bool(bytearray_, self.get_offset(byte_index), int(bool_index), value) byte_index = self.get_offset(byte_index) if type.startswith('STRING') and isinstance(value, str): max_size ='\d+', type) if max_size is None: raise Snap7Exception("Max size could not be determinate. returned None") max_size_grouped = max_size_int = int(max_size_grouped) return set_string(bytearray_, byte_index, value, max_size_int) elif type == 'REAL': return set_real(bytearray_, byte_index, value) elif type == 'DWORD' and isinstance(value, int): return set_dword(bytearray_, byte_index, value) elif type == 'DINT' and isinstance(value, int): return set_dint(bytearray_, byte_index, value) elif type == 'INT' and isinstance(value, int): return set_int(bytearray_, byte_index, value) elif type == 'WORD' and isinstance(value, int): return set_word(bytearray_, byte_index, value) elif type == 'USINT' and isinstance(value, int): return set_usint(bytearray_, byte_index, value) elif type == 'SINT' and isinstance(value, int): return set_sint(bytearray_, byte_index, value) if type == 'USINT' and isinstance(value, int): return set_usint(bytearray_, byte_index, value) if type == 'SINT' and isinstance(value, int): return set_sint(bytearray_, byte_index, value) raise ValueError
[docs] def write(self, client: Client) -> None: """Write current data to db in plc Args: client: :obj:`Client` snap7 instance. Raises: :obj:`TypeError`: if the `_bytearray` is not an instance of :obj:`DB` class. :obj:`ValueError`: if the `row_size` is less than 0. """ if not isinstance(self._bytearray, DB): raise TypeError(f"Value self._bytearray: {self._bytearray} is not from type DB.") if self.row_size < 0: raise ValueError("row_size must be greater equal zero.") db_nr = self._bytearray.db_number offset = self.db_offset data = self.get_bytearray()[offset:offset + self.row_size] db_offset = self.db_offset # indicate start of write only area of row! if self.row_offset: data = data[self.row_offset:] db_offset += self.row_offset if self.area == Areas.DB: client.db_write(db_nr, db_offset, data) else: client.write_area(self.area, 0, db_offset, data)
[docs] def read(self, client: Client) -> None: """Read current data of db row from plc. Args: client: :obj:`Client` snap7 instance. Raises: :obj:`TypeError`: if the `_bytearray` is not an instance of :obj:`DB` class. :obj:`ValueError`: if the `row_size` is less than 0. """ if not isinstance(self._bytearray, DB): raise TypeError(f"Value self._bytearray:{self._bytearray} is not from type DB.") if self.row_size < 0: raise ValueError("row_size must be greater equal zero.") db_nr = self._bytearray.db_number if self.area == Areas.DB: bytearray_ = client.db_read(db_nr, self.db_offset, self.row_size) else: bytearray_ = client.read_area(self.area, 0, 0, self.row_size) data = self.get_bytearray() # replace data in bytearray for i, b in enumerate(bytearray_): data[i + self.db_offset] = b